
Render Hazardous Materials Incidents Safe


Training Plan
HAZCHEM CERT III PERTH 14-15.05.25: 14-05-2025 to 15-05-2025 at Perth Training Centre, MADDINGTON, WA Apply
HAZCHEM CERT III PERTH 16-17.07.25: 16-07-2025 to 17-07-2025 at Perth Training Centre, MADDINGTON, WA Apply
HAZCHEM CERT III PERTH 17-18.09.25: 17-09-2025 to 18-09-2025 at Perth Training Centre, MADDINGTON, WA Apply
HAZCHEM CERT III PERTH 26-27.11.25: 26-11-2025 to 27-11-2025 at Perth Training Centre, MADDINGTON, WA Apply

The purpose of this course is to provide participants with the competency requirements associated with the identification, avoidance, review, and evaluation of workplace risks and hazards, maintenance of personal safety and the reporting to supervisors and team members. Participants will also receive competency requirements associated with the safe combat of incidents involving hazardous materials. "Hazardous Materials" is a generic term used to refer to an incident involving dangerous goods and hazardous substances.


This course covers the skills and knowledge required to select, don, test and safely operate appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment at an incident involving dangerous goods and hazardous chemicals as well as safely combatting incidents involving hazardous materials.

Payment Plan
Payment Amount Paid By Upfront
Course Price: ***Payment is required to secure your booking, please contact our office*** $720.00 Yes
Note: All payments are represented in Australian dollars

The course will be conducted over 2 days.

Entry Requirements

Photo ID must be presented on arrival at the training premises.

Face must be clean shaven to ensure an adequate seal with the BA face mask.

Language, literacy and numeracy requirements from the unit are:
- Writing is required to the level of completing written assessments.
- Numeracy is required to enable the determination of similar activities.

Qualification Requirements

Pre-requisite PUAFIR207 Operate breathing open circuit.
Pre-requisite evidence is required to be provided before issuance of the Statement of Attainment.

Assessment Requirements

The course will be based on theoretical sessions, equipment demonstrations and practical exercises.

While the training for the enrolled units is delivered concurrently, each Unit of competency is assessed as a discrete unit.

Participants who are deemed competent will receive a Nationally recognised Statement of Attainment issued by RIKLAN Emergency Management Services (RTO 51994) under the Australian Qualifications Framework.

Delivery Mode

Face to face and practical hands-on training conducted by an experienced Emergency Services Trainer/Assessor with strong knowledge of relevant Legislation, Australian Standards and Codes of Practice.

Materials or Equipment Required

Students must wear long pants, long sleeve shirts and steel cap boots.


If you are a new or continuing student undertaking nationally recognised training, you need a USI in order to receive your qualification or statement of attainment for this unit.

Units of Competence
PUAFIR306 Identify, detect and monitor hazardous materials at an incident
PUAFIR308 Employ personal protection at a hazardous materials incident
PUAFIR324 Render hazardous materials incidents safe
RIIERR301E Respond to work site incidents